
The 5th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education

Self Funded

Time Left

The 5th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education

October 30, 2020

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Opportunity Type

Opportunity Type
Funding Type
Self Funded



Currently, the world is facing a global crisis which started with the coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, rapidly spreading globally and taking away our lives and livelihood. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only threatened our ways of life, but it has also unearthed and magnified injustices in our societies around the world that have been ignored or unsuccessful in bringing about change. Such injustices are also seen as “pandemic” in terms that they are threatening and detrimental to human security and lives, while they are so widespread around the world and often inter-connected that they call for solidarity and cooperation across borders more than ever before. While confronting the COVID19 pandemic, we also struggle to resolve multiple pandemics such as economic polarization, racism (and various forms of discrimination), militarization and violence, hate speech and fake news, and ecological degradation to name a few.


In times of pandemic, the discourses on a “new normal” also emerge as if the future were to be inscribed in the current conditions, often dubbed and hyped by, technology-driven, automatized, individualistic vision of the ‘futurists’. The post-coronavirus ‘New Normal’ has emerged as popular imaginary as if people were sharing remedies to survive under the newly constructed communities and their rules. The ‘New Normal’ in society’s stock market, world trade and job market are at the forefront with experts analysing and discussing new trends. The bottom line for such popular imagery, however, still evolves around the notion that the pre-COVID 19 ways of life and social orders might be “normal” to which we want to go back, while the world in these multiple crises we are currently facing actually tells us otherwise – that indeed, things in the pre-COVID 19 have gone quite wrong in many ways, with various forms of injustice and violence unaddressed. Recently, UNESCO challenges such a popular notion of “normal” under its “Next Normal” campaign, “calling into question our priorities, our ways of life and the functioning of our societies” that have been disregarding the cost to our environment, economies and public health and societies. Claiming that “we have accepted the unacceptable for far too long” and “our previous reality can no longer be accepted as normal”, UNESCO proclaims: Now is the time for change.


In this light, the 5th IConGCED calls for interested educators and stakeholders to actively participate in the articulation of challenges and opportunities we face in the current pandemic, particularly in terms of roles and contribution of GCED, and the sharing of visions and practical ideas – and the building of solidarity – for post-COVID 19 ‘next normal’ as we strive to resolve the multiple pandemics we face.


If crisis brings us opportunities to transform the present into a better future, then our task is not only to critically evaluate the current situations but also to envision the future we want and strive to translate it into educational policies and practices. We must ask ourselves: What implications and lessons should we learn from the current crisis and multiple pandemics? What particular issues above all should we focus on and give priorities at this moment, and what kinds of public and education discourses should we lead? How can we effectively translate those analyses and visions into policies and practices? What strategies should we take to translate our commitment into action? GCED – its aspiration, priorities, and strategies – should also be contextualized in this juncture where we are also going through unprecedented challenges in education in general. Given the current difficulties education in general faces, how should GCED address such difficulties and how can it help improve the situations? How can we translate GCED into timely and well-contextualized educational contents and practices that are relevant and responsive to the immediacy of our daily lives as well as the current crisis, without losing sight of its holistic values and long-term perspectives? Eventually, how can GCED effectively contribute to the restoring and reviving solidarity and hope in this time of turbulent crises – and beyond?


To enrich the discussions of the 5th IConGCED, APCEIU will also organize a pre-conference webinar in September. Hence, this year’s IConGCED will be composed of one-day “Pre-Conference Webinar” in September and three-day main event, “5th IConGCED”, in November.



Maximum of 500 for real-time virtual conference through the pre-registered platform, and minimum of 1000 including live streaming, are expected to participate in the 5th IConGCED:


  • Policy makers and professionals in the field of education
  • GCED experts, leaders and practitioners
  • Interested educators, youth and parents
  • International/regional/national organizations and civil society organizations
  • GCED-specialized organizations and institutes
  • Representatives from the private sector
  • Persons who are interested in GCED



As an international platform for sharing and exchanging ideas and practices on GCED, the Conference will pursue the following objectives in general:


  • Articulating key societal and educational issues that GCED can contribute to
  • Exploring the roles of GCED and various innovative ideas in effectively tackling the issues at stake
  • Making available and sharing of GCED practices for their good cases as well as lessons learnt
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED and its implementation
  • Facilitating the building and/or strengthening of networks and partnerships among key stakeholders


In particular, the 5th IConGCED will pursue the following objectives:


  • Articulating key GCED-related issues posed or unravelled by the current crisis of COVID-19
  • Exploring the roles of GCED in addressing and improving situations, which can be deemed as “multiple pandemics” and the ways GCED can contribute to revitalizing much needed solidarity
  • Sharing GCED practices to tackle challenges posed by the current crises
  • Critically evaluating and rethinking approaches, strategies, and ways in which GCED is promoted and practiced so as to seek improvements and innovations
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED through specific, contextualized issues

Program Venue

Program Country

Eligible Regions

Eligible Regions

All Regions

Eligible Countries

All Countries

Eligible Regions

Eligible Countries

Eligible Countries
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Argentina, Angola, Africa, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, UAE, UK, USA, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City (Holy See), Venezuela, Vietnam, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Hungary, Cook Island

Application Process

Application Process

Registration Information


  • The 5th International Conference on GCED(IConGCED) to be held on 3-5 November 2020 (Seoul time, GMT+9) via online requires registration.
  • Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed once all the slots are filled.
  • Please note that participation certificates will be provided only if the participant has attended over 70% (300 minutes) of the whole conference sessions through the IConGCED website.
  • The IConGCED YouTube channel provides live-streaming of the conference sessions. Certificates will be not issued for those who watched the conference sessions through YouTube.



Registration Period


  • Registration page will open on 23 October 2020, 17:00 (Seoul time, GMT + 9)
  • After registration, to confirm or to edit your personal information you will be able to login from 30 October 2020, 10:00 (Seoul time, GMT+9)
  • After registration, to watch the conference vidoes you will be able to login to Webinar from 3 November 2020, 18:30 (Seoul time, GMT+9)



Registration Fee





Day 1 (Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 19:00-21:30, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

What Are the Issues that GCED Should Address in Times of Pandemic?

Opening Address PARK Baeg-beom
Vice Minister of Education, Republic of Korea
Opening Address LEE Tae-ho
2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea
Congratulatory Address Stefania GIANNINI
Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
Welcoming Address LIM Hyun Mook
Director of Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
Keynote Speech 1 – Global Solidarity against All Forms of Systematic Discrimination, Exclusion and Phobia
Speaker Lynn DAVIES
Emeritus Professor of International Education, University of Birmingham & Co-Director, ConnectFutures
Keynote Speech 2 – Towards Sustainability: Implications of Pandemic and How to Create the Future We All Want
Speaker CHOE Jae
Distinguished Chair Professor, Ewha Womans University
Session 1 – Rethinking GCED in a Time of ‘Multiple Pandemics’: Key Issues and Challenges+ See more
Panelists Divina FRAU-MEIGS
Professor, Sorbonne Nouvelle University & UNESCO Chair “Savoir Devenir in digital development : mastering information cultures”
Founder & Director, Planeta Océano
Antonia WULFF
Coordinator, Education International
Professor, Addis Ababa University
Moderator HAN Kyung-Koo
Professor, Seoul National University



Day 2 (Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 14:50-18:20, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Roles of GCED in Times of Crisis and Beyond

Introduction to the Day 2
Session 2 – Education for Anti-Discrimination and Social Justice+ See more
Special Talk 1 : Transforming a crisis into an educational opportunity : Critical reflection on discrimination and inequality in our own society (Korean Case)
Speakers KIM Ji Hye
Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University
BAE Sung Ho
Teacher, Songjoong Elementary School
Moderator KIM Ee-gyeong
Professor, Chung-Ang University
Special Talk 2 : No story left behind – Storytelling and Social Justice
Speakers Dylan WRAY
Executive Director, Shikaya
Senior Associate, Facing History and Ourselves
Discussion / Q&A
Session Moderator Kevin KESTER
Assistant Professor of Comparative International Education and Peace / Development Studies, Department of Education, Seoul National University
Session 3 – Transformative Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development+ See more
Panelists Akpezi OGBUIGWE
Founder, Anpez Centre for Environment and Development, Nigeria
ESD Youth Leader, Trinidad and Tobago
Ambassadors of Citizen Expression
Moderator BYUN Won Jung
Session 4 – GCED for / through Media & Information Literacy (MIL)+ See more
Special Lecture – Title : Digital Citizenship Education for Global Citizens
Speaker Kelly MENDOZA
Director of Professional Development, Common Sense Education
Presentation – Becoming Actors of Our Relation to Information
Speaker Fabrice TEICHER
MIL / PVE Expert
Session Moderator YU Hyunjae
Professor, School of Communication, Sogang University



Day 3 (Thursday, 5 November 2020, 14:50-17:00, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Fostering Solidarity for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Introduction to the Day 3
Special Session – Virtual Expo : GCED in Action+ See more
Closing – Roundtable : “Next Normal” We Make+ See more
Panelists Vibeke JENSEN
Director, Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, Education Sector, UNESCO HQs
H.E. Tamara Rastovac SIAMASHVILI
Ambassador, Permanent Delegation of Republic of Serbia to UNESCO / Group of Friends for Solidarity and Inclusion with GCED
Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya
Carlos Alberto TORRES
Distinguished Professor of Education, UNESCO UCLA Chair on Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education
Core Team, GCED Youth Network
Senior Project Officer, Department of Education and Training, Victoria
Moderator LIM Hyun Mook
Director, APCEIU


Self Funded

Time Left

The 5th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education

October 30, 2020

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Opportunity Type

Opportunity Type Type
Job Type
Full Time



Currently, the world is facing a global crisis which started with the coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, rapidly spreading globally and taking away our lives and livelihood. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only threatened our ways of life, but it has also unearthed and magnified injustices in our societies around the world that have been ignored or unsuccessful in bringing about change. Such injustices are also seen as “pandemic” in terms that they are threatening and detrimental to human security and lives, while they are so widespread around the world and often inter-connected that they call for solidarity and cooperation across borders more than ever before. While confronting the COVID19 pandemic, we also struggle to resolve multiple pandemics such as economic polarization, racism (and various forms of discrimination), militarization and violence, hate speech and fake news, and ecological degradation to name a few.


In times of pandemic, the discourses on a “new normal” also emerge as if the future were to be inscribed in the current conditions, often dubbed and hyped by, technology-driven, automatized, individualistic vision of the ‘futurists’. The post-coronavirus ‘New Normal’ has emerged as popular imaginary as if people were sharing remedies to survive under the newly constructed communities and their rules. The ‘New Normal’ in society’s stock market, world trade and job market are at the forefront with experts analysing and discussing new trends. The bottom line for such popular imagery, however, still evolves around the notion that the pre-COVID 19 ways of life and social orders might be “normal” to which we want to go back, while the world in these multiple crises we are currently facing actually tells us otherwise – that indeed, things in the pre-COVID 19 have gone quite wrong in many ways, with various forms of injustice and violence unaddressed. Recently, UNESCO challenges such a popular notion of “normal” under its “Next Normal” campaign, “calling into question our priorities, our ways of life and the functioning of our societies” that have been disregarding the cost to our environment, economies and public health and societies. Claiming that “we have accepted the unacceptable for far too long” and “our previous reality can no longer be accepted as normal”, UNESCO proclaims: Now is the time for change.


In this light, the 5th IConGCED calls for interested educators and stakeholders to actively participate in the articulation of challenges and opportunities we face in the current pandemic, particularly in terms of roles and contribution of GCED, and the sharing of visions and practical ideas – and the building of solidarity – for post-COVID 19 ‘next normal’ as we strive to resolve the multiple pandemics we face.


If crisis brings us opportunities to transform the present into a better future, then our task is not only to critically evaluate the current situations but also to envision the future we want and strive to translate it into educational policies and practices. We must ask ourselves: What implications and lessons should we learn from the current crisis and multiple pandemics? What particular issues above all should we focus on and give priorities at this moment, and what kinds of public and education discourses should we lead? How can we effectively translate those analyses and visions into policies and practices? What strategies should we take to translate our commitment into action? GCED – its aspiration, priorities, and strategies – should also be contextualized in this juncture where we are also going through unprecedented challenges in education in general. Given the current difficulties education in general faces, how should GCED address such difficulties and how can it help improve the situations? How can we translate GCED into timely and well-contextualized educational contents and practices that are relevant and responsive to the immediacy of our daily lives as well as the current crisis, without losing sight of its holistic values and long-term perspectives? Eventually, how can GCED effectively contribute to the restoring and reviving solidarity and hope in this time of turbulent crises – and beyond?


To enrich the discussions of the 5th IConGCED, APCEIU will also organize a pre-conference webinar in September. Hence, this year’s IConGCED will be composed of one-day “Pre-Conference Webinar” in September and three-day main event, “5th IConGCED”, in November.



Maximum of 500 for real-time virtual conference through the pre-registered platform, and minimum of 1000 including live streaming, are expected to participate in the 5th IConGCED:


  • Policy makers and professionals in the field of education
  • GCED experts, leaders and practitioners
  • Interested educators, youth and parents
  • International/regional/national organizations and civil society organizations
  • GCED-specialized organizations and institutes
  • Representatives from the private sector
  • Persons who are interested in GCED



As an international platform for sharing and exchanging ideas and practices on GCED, the Conference will pursue the following objectives in general:


  • Articulating key societal and educational issues that GCED can contribute to
  • Exploring the roles of GCED and various innovative ideas in effectively tackling the issues at stake
  • Making available and sharing of GCED practices for their good cases as well as lessons learnt
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED and its implementation
  • Facilitating the building and/or strengthening of networks and partnerships among key stakeholders


In particular, the 5th IConGCED will pursue the following objectives:


  • Articulating key GCED-related issues posed or unravelled by the current crisis of COVID-19
  • Exploring the roles of GCED in addressing and improving situations, which can be deemed as “multiple pandemics” and the ways GCED can contribute to revitalizing much needed solidarity
  • Sharing GCED practices to tackle challenges posed by the current crises
  • Critically evaluating and rethinking approaches, strategies, and ways in which GCED is promoted and practiced so as to seek improvements and innovations
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED through specific, contextualized issues

Program Venue

Eligible Regions

Eligible Regions

All Regions

Eligible Countries

Eligible Countries

All Countries

Application Process

Application Process

Registration Information


  • The 5th International Conference on GCED(IConGCED) to be held on 3-5 November 2020 (Seoul time, GMT+9) via online requires registration.
  • Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed once all the slots are filled.
  • Please note that participation certificates will be provided only if the participant has attended over 70% (300 minutes) of the whole conference sessions through the IConGCED website.
  • The IConGCED YouTube channel provides live-streaming of the conference sessions. Certificates will be not issued for those who watched the conference sessions through YouTube.



Registration Period


  • Registration page will open on 23 October 2020, 17:00 (Seoul time, GMT + 9)
  • After registration, to confirm or to edit your personal information you will be able to login from 30 October 2020, 10:00 (Seoul time, GMT+9)
  • After registration, to watch the conference vidoes you will be able to login to Webinar from 3 November 2020, 18:30 (Seoul time, GMT+9)



Registration Fee





Day 1 (Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 19:00-21:30, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

What Are the Issues that GCED Should Address in Times of Pandemic?

Opening Address PARK Baeg-beom
Vice Minister of Education, Republic of Korea
Opening Address LEE Tae-ho
2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea
Congratulatory Address Stefania GIANNINI
Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
Welcoming Address LIM Hyun Mook
Director of Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
Keynote Speech 1 – Global Solidarity against All Forms of Systematic Discrimination, Exclusion and Phobia
Speaker Lynn DAVIES
Emeritus Professor of International Education, University of Birmingham & Co-Director, ConnectFutures
Keynote Speech 2 – Towards Sustainability: Implications of Pandemic and How to Create the Future We All Want
Speaker CHOE Jae
Distinguished Chair Professor, Ewha Womans University
Session 1 – Rethinking GCED in a Time of ‘Multiple Pandemics’: Key Issues and Challenges+ See more
Panelists Divina FRAU-MEIGS
Professor, Sorbonne Nouvelle University & UNESCO Chair “Savoir Devenir in digital development : mastering information cultures”
Founder & Director, Planeta Océano
Antonia WULFF
Coordinator, Education International
Professor, Addis Ababa University
Moderator HAN Kyung-Koo
Professor, Seoul National University



Day 2 (Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 14:50-18:20, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Roles of GCED in Times of Crisis and Beyond

Introduction to the Day 2
Session 2 – Education for Anti-Discrimination and Social Justice+ See more
Special Talk 1 : Transforming a crisis into an educational opportunity : Critical reflection on discrimination and inequality in our own society (Korean Case)
Speakers KIM Ji Hye
Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University
BAE Sung Ho
Teacher, Songjoong Elementary School
Moderator KIM Ee-gyeong
Professor, Chung-Ang University
Special Talk 2 : No story left behind – Storytelling and Social Justice
Speakers Dylan WRAY
Executive Director, Shikaya
Senior Associate, Facing History and Ourselves
Discussion / Q&A
Session Moderator Kevin KESTER
Assistant Professor of Comparative International Education and Peace / Development Studies, Department of Education, Seoul National University
Session 3 – Transformative Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development+ See more
Panelists Akpezi OGBUIGWE
Founder, Anpez Centre for Environment and Development, Nigeria
ESD Youth Leader, Trinidad and Tobago
Ambassadors of Citizen Expression
Moderator BYUN Won Jung
Session 4 – GCED for / through Media & Information Literacy (MIL)+ See more
Special Lecture – Title : Digital Citizenship Education for Global Citizens
Speaker Kelly MENDOZA
Director of Professional Development, Common Sense Education
Presentation – Becoming Actors of Our Relation to Information
Speaker Fabrice TEICHER
MIL / PVE Expert
Session Moderator YU Hyunjae
Professor, School of Communication, Sogang University



Day 3 (Thursday, 5 November 2020, 14:50-17:00, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Fostering Solidarity for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Introduction to the Day 3
Special Session – Virtual Expo : GCED in Action+ See more
Closing – Roundtable : “Next Normal” We Make+ See more
Panelists Vibeke JENSEN
Director, Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, Education Sector, UNESCO HQs
H.E. Tamara Rastovac SIAMASHVILI
Ambassador, Permanent Delegation of Republic of Serbia to UNESCO / Group of Friends for Solidarity and Inclusion with GCED
Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya
Carlos Alberto TORRES
Distinguished Professor of Education, UNESCO UCLA Chair on Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education
Core Team, GCED Youth Network
Senior Project Officer, Department of Education and Training, Victoria
Moderator LIM Hyun Mook
Director, APCEIU


Self Funded

Time Left

The 5th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education

October 30, 2020

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Opportunity Type

Opportunity Type
Intership Type
Select Type



Currently, the world is facing a global crisis which started with the coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, rapidly spreading globally and taking away our lives and livelihood. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only threatened our ways of life, but it has also unearthed and magnified injustices in our societies around the world that have been ignored or unsuccessful in bringing about change. Such injustices are also seen as “pandemic” in terms that they are threatening and detrimental to human security and lives, while they are so widespread around the world and often inter-connected that they call for solidarity and cooperation across borders more than ever before. While confronting the COVID19 pandemic, we also struggle to resolve multiple pandemics such as economic polarization, racism (and various forms of discrimination), militarization and violence, hate speech and fake news, and ecological degradation to name a few.


In times of pandemic, the discourses on a “new normal” also emerge as if the future were to be inscribed in the current conditions, often dubbed and hyped by, technology-driven, automatized, individualistic vision of the ‘futurists’. The post-coronavirus ‘New Normal’ has emerged as popular imaginary as if people were sharing remedies to survive under the newly constructed communities and their rules. The ‘New Normal’ in society’s stock market, world trade and job market are at the forefront with experts analysing and discussing new trends. The bottom line for such popular imagery, however, still evolves around the notion that the pre-COVID 19 ways of life and social orders might be “normal” to which we want to go back, while the world in these multiple crises we are currently facing actually tells us otherwise – that indeed, things in the pre-COVID 19 have gone quite wrong in many ways, with various forms of injustice and violence unaddressed. Recently, UNESCO challenges such a popular notion of “normal” under its “Next Normal” campaign, “calling into question our priorities, our ways of life and the functioning of our societies” that have been disregarding the cost to our environment, economies and public health and societies. Claiming that “we have accepted the unacceptable for far too long” and “our previous reality can no longer be accepted as normal”, UNESCO proclaims: Now is the time for change.


In this light, the 5th IConGCED calls for interested educators and stakeholders to actively participate in the articulation of challenges and opportunities we face in the current pandemic, particularly in terms of roles and contribution of GCED, and the sharing of visions and practical ideas – and the building of solidarity – for post-COVID 19 ‘next normal’ as we strive to resolve the multiple pandemics we face.


If crisis brings us opportunities to transform the present into a better future, then our task is not only to critically evaluate the current situations but also to envision the future we want and strive to translate it into educational policies and practices. We must ask ourselves: What implications and lessons should we learn from the current crisis and multiple pandemics? What particular issues above all should we focus on and give priorities at this moment, and what kinds of public and education discourses should we lead? How can we effectively translate those analyses and visions into policies and practices? What strategies should we take to translate our commitment into action? GCED – its aspiration, priorities, and strategies – should also be contextualized in this juncture where we are also going through unprecedented challenges in education in general. Given the current difficulties education in general faces, how should GCED address such difficulties and how can it help improve the situations? How can we translate GCED into timely and well-contextualized educational contents and practices that are relevant and responsive to the immediacy of our daily lives as well as the current crisis, without losing sight of its holistic values and long-term perspectives? Eventually, how can GCED effectively contribute to the restoring and reviving solidarity and hope in this time of turbulent crises – and beyond?


To enrich the discussions of the 5th IConGCED, APCEIU will also organize a pre-conference webinar in September. Hence, this year’s IConGCED will be composed of one-day “Pre-Conference Webinar” in September and three-day main event, “5th IConGCED”, in November.



Maximum of 500 for real-time virtual conference through the pre-registered platform, and minimum of 1000 including live streaming, are expected to participate in the 5th IConGCED:


  • Policy makers and professionals in the field of education
  • GCED experts, leaders and practitioners
  • Interested educators, youth and parents
  • International/regional/national organizations and civil society organizations
  • GCED-specialized organizations and institutes
  • Representatives from the private sector
  • Persons who are interested in GCED



As an international platform for sharing and exchanging ideas and practices on GCED, the Conference will pursue the following objectives in general:


  • Articulating key societal and educational issues that GCED can contribute to
  • Exploring the roles of GCED and various innovative ideas in effectively tackling the issues at stake
  • Making available and sharing of GCED practices for their good cases as well as lessons learnt
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED and its implementation
  • Facilitating the building and/or strengthening of networks and partnerships among key stakeholders


In particular, the 5th IConGCED will pursue the following objectives:


  • Articulating key GCED-related issues posed or unravelled by the current crisis of COVID-19
  • Exploring the roles of GCED in addressing and improving situations, which can be deemed as “multiple pandemics” and the ways GCED can contribute to revitalizing much needed solidarity
  • Sharing GCED practices to tackle challenges posed by the current crises
  • Critically evaluating and rethinking approaches, strategies, and ways in which GCED is promoted and practiced so as to seek improvements and innovations
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED through specific, contextualized issues

Program Venue

Eligible Regions

Eligible Regions

All Regions

Eligible Countries

Eligible Countries

All Countries

Application Process

Application Process

Registration Information


  • The 5th International Conference on GCED(IConGCED) to be held on 3-5 November 2020 (Seoul time, GMT+9) via online requires registration.
  • Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed once all the slots are filled.
  • Please note that participation certificates will be provided only if the participant has attended over 70% (300 minutes) of the whole conference sessions through the IConGCED website.
  • The IConGCED YouTube channel provides live-streaming of the conference sessions. Certificates will be not issued for those who watched the conference sessions through YouTube.



Registration Period


  • Registration page will open on 23 October 2020, 17:00 (Seoul time, GMT + 9)
  • After registration, to confirm or to edit your personal information you will be able to login from 30 October 2020, 10:00 (Seoul time, GMT+9)
  • After registration, to watch the conference vidoes you will be able to login to Webinar from 3 November 2020, 18:30 (Seoul time, GMT+9)



Registration Fee





Day 1 (Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 19:00-21:30, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

What Are the Issues that GCED Should Address in Times of Pandemic?

Opening Address PARK Baeg-beom
Vice Minister of Education, Republic of Korea
Opening Address LEE Tae-ho
2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea
Congratulatory Address Stefania GIANNINI
Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
Welcoming Address LIM Hyun Mook
Director of Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
Keynote Speech 1 – Global Solidarity against All Forms of Systematic Discrimination, Exclusion and Phobia
Speaker Lynn DAVIES
Emeritus Professor of International Education, University of Birmingham & Co-Director, ConnectFutures
Keynote Speech 2 – Towards Sustainability: Implications of Pandemic and How to Create the Future We All Want
Speaker CHOE Jae
Distinguished Chair Professor, Ewha Womans University
Session 1 – Rethinking GCED in a Time of ‘Multiple Pandemics’: Key Issues and Challenges+ See more
Panelists Divina FRAU-MEIGS
Professor, Sorbonne Nouvelle University & UNESCO Chair “Savoir Devenir in digital development : mastering information cultures”
Founder & Director, Planeta Océano
Antonia WULFF
Coordinator, Education International
Professor, Addis Ababa University
Moderator HAN Kyung-Koo
Professor, Seoul National University



Day 2 (Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 14:50-18:20, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Roles of GCED in Times of Crisis and Beyond

Introduction to the Day 2
Session 2 – Education for Anti-Discrimination and Social Justice+ See more
Special Talk 1 : Transforming a crisis into an educational opportunity : Critical reflection on discrimination and inequality in our own society (Korean Case)
Speakers KIM Ji Hye
Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University
BAE Sung Ho
Teacher, Songjoong Elementary School
Moderator KIM Ee-gyeong
Professor, Chung-Ang University
Special Talk 2 : No story left behind – Storytelling and Social Justice
Speakers Dylan WRAY
Executive Director, Shikaya
Senior Associate, Facing History and Ourselves
Discussion / Q&A
Session Moderator Kevin KESTER
Assistant Professor of Comparative International Education and Peace / Development Studies, Department of Education, Seoul National University
Session 3 – Transformative Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development+ See more
Panelists Akpezi OGBUIGWE
Founder, Anpez Centre for Environment and Development, Nigeria
ESD Youth Leader, Trinidad and Tobago
Ambassadors of Citizen Expression
Moderator BYUN Won Jung
Session 4 – GCED for / through Media & Information Literacy (MIL)+ See more
Special Lecture – Title : Digital Citizenship Education for Global Citizens
Speaker Kelly MENDOZA
Director of Professional Development, Common Sense Education
Presentation – Becoming Actors of Our Relation to Information
Speaker Fabrice TEICHER
MIL / PVE Expert
Session Moderator YU Hyunjae
Professor, School of Communication, Sogang University



Day 3 (Thursday, 5 November 2020, 14:50-17:00, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Fostering Solidarity for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Introduction to the Day 3
Special Session – Virtual Expo : GCED in Action+ See more
Closing – Roundtable : “Next Normal” We Make+ See more
Panelists Vibeke JENSEN
Director, Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, Education Sector, UNESCO HQs
H.E. Tamara Rastovac SIAMASHVILI
Ambassador, Permanent Delegation of Republic of Serbia to UNESCO / Group of Friends for Solidarity and Inclusion with GCED
Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya
Carlos Alberto TORRES
Distinguished Professor of Education, UNESCO UCLA Chair on Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education
Core Team, GCED Youth Network
Senior Project Officer, Department of Education and Training, Victoria
Moderator LIM Hyun Mook
Director, APCEIU


Self Funded

Opening Date

January 1, 1970
Time Left

The 5th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education




Currently, the world is facing a global crisis which started with the coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, rapidly spreading globally and taking away our lives and livelihood. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only threatened our ways of life, but it has also unearthed and magnified injustices in our societies around the world that have been ignored or unsuccessful in bringing about change. Such injustices are also seen as “pandemic” in terms that they are threatening and detrimental to human security and lives, while they are so widespread around the world and often inter-connected that they call for solidarity and cooperation across borders more than ever before. While confronting the COVID19 pandemic, we also struggle to resolve multiple pandemics such as economic polarization, racism (and various forms of discrimination), militarization and violence, hate speech and fake news, and ecological degradation to name a few.


In times of pandemic, the discourses on a “new normal” also emerge as if the future were to be inscribed in the current conditions, often dubbed and hyped by, technology-driven, automatized, individualistic vision of the ‘futurists’. The post-coronavirus ‘New Normal’ has emerged as popular imaginary as if people were sharing remedies to survive under the newly constructed communities and their rules. The ‘New Normal’ in society’s stock market, world trade and job market are at the forefront with experts analysing and discussing new trends. The bottom line for such popular imagery, however, still evolves around the notion that the pre-COVID 19 ways of life and social orders might be “normal” to which we want to go back, while the world in these multiple crises we are currently facing actually tells us otherwise – that indeed, things in the pre-COVID 19 have gone quite wrong in many ways, with various forms of injustice and violence unaddressed. Recently, UNESCO challenges such a popular notion of “normal” under its “Next Normal” campaign, “calling into question our priorities, our ways of life and the functioning of our societies” that have been disregarding the cost to our environment, economies and public health and societies. Claiming that “we have accepted the unacceptable for far too long” and “our previous reality can no longer be accepted as normal”, UNESCO proclaims: Now is the time for change.


In this light, the 5th IConGCED calls for interested educators and stakeholders to actively participate in the articulation of challenges and opportunities we face in the current pandemic, particularly in terms of roles and contribution of GCED, and the sharing of visions and practical ideas – and the building of solidarity – for post-COVID 19 ‘next normal’ as we strive to resolve the multiple pandemics we face.


If crisis brings us opportunities to transform the present into a better future, then our task is not only to critically evaluate the current situations but also to envision the future we want and strive to translate it into educational policies and practices. We must ask ourselves: What implications and lessons should we learn from the current crisis and multiple pandemics? What particular issues above all should we focus on and give priorities at this moment, and what kinds of public and education discourses should we lead? How can we effectively translate those analyses and visions into policies and practices? What strategies should we take to translate our commitment into action? GCED – its aspiration, priorities, and strategies – should also be contextualized in this juncture where we are also going through unprecedented challenges in education in general. Given the current difficulties education in general faces, how should GCED address such difficulties and how can it help improve the situations? How can we translate GCED into timely and well-contextualized educational contents and practices that are relevant and responsive to the immediacy of our daily lives as well as the current crisis, without losing sight of its holistic values and long-term perspectives? Eventually, how can GCED effectively contribute to the restoring and reviving solidarity and hope in this time of turbulent crises – and beyond?


To enrich the discussions of the 5th IConGCED, APCEIU will also organize a pre-conference webinar in September. Hence, this year’s IConGCED will be composed of one-day “Pre-Conference Webinar” in September and three-day main event, “5th IConGCED”, in November.


As an international platform for sharing and exchanging ideas and practices on GCED, the Conference will pursue the following objectives in general:


  • Articulating key societal and educational issues that GCED can contribute to
  • Exploring the roles of GCED and various innovative ideas in effectively tackling the issues at stake
  • Making available and sharing of GCED practices for their good cases as well as lessons learnt
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED and its implementation
  • Facilitating the building and/or strengthening of networks and partnerships among key stakeholders


In particular, the 5th IConGCED will pursue the following objectives:


  • Articulating key GCED-related issues posed or unravelled by the current crisis of COVID-19
  • Exploring the roles of GCED in addressing and improving situations, which can be deemed as “multiple pandemics” and the ways GCED can contribute to revitalizing much needed solidarity
  • Sharing GCED practices to tackle challenges posed by the current crises
  • Critically evaluating and rethinking approaches, strategies, and ways in which GCED is promoted and practiced so as to seek improvements and innovations
  • Enhancing the audience’s understanding of GCED through specific, contextualized issues


Maximum of 500 for real-time virtual conference through the pre-registered platform, and minimum of 1000 including live streaming, are expected to participate in the 5th IConGCED:


  • Policy makers and professionals in the field of education
  • GCED experts, leaders and practitioners
  • Interested educators, youth and parents
  • International/regional/national organizations and civil society organizations
  • GCED-specialized organizations and institutes
  • Representatives from the private sector
  • Persons who are interested in GCED

For Further Queries:

Eligible Regions:

Program Venue:


Registration Information


  • The 5th International Conference on GCED(IConGCED) to be held on 3-5 November 2020 (Seoul time, GMT+9) via online requires registration.
  • Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be closed once all the slots are filled.
  • Please note that participation certificates will be provided only if the participant has attended over 70% (300 minutes) of the whole conference sessions through the IConGCED website.
  • The IConGCED YouTube channel provides live-streaming of the conference sessions. Certificates will be not issued for those who watched the conference sessions through YouTube.



Registration Period


  • Registration page will open on 23 October 2020, 17:00 (Seoul time, GMT + 9)
  • After registration, to confirm or to edit your personal information you will be able to login from 30 October 2020, 10:00 (Seoul time, GMT+9)
  • After registration, to watch the conference vidoes you will be able to login to Webinar from 3 November 2020, 18:30 (Seoul time, GMT+9)



Registration Fee





Day 1 (Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 19:00-21:30, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

What Are the Issues that GCED Should Address in Times of Pandemic?

Opening Address PARK Baeg-beom
Vice Minister of Education, Republic of Korea
Opening Address LEE Tae-ho
2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea
Congratulatory Address Stefania GIANNINI
Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
Welcoming Address LIM Hyun Mook
Director of Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
Keynote Speech 1 – Global Solidarity against All Forms of Systematic Discrimination, Exclusion and Phobia
Speaker Lynn DAVIES
Emeritus Professor of International Education, University of Birmingham & Co-Director, ConnectFutures
Keynote Speech 2 – Towards Sustainability: Implications of Pandemic and How to Create the Future We All Want
Speaker CHOE Jae
Distinguished Chair Professor, Ewha Womans University
Session 1 – Rethinking GCED in a Time of ‘Multiple Pandemics’: Key Issues and Challenges+ See more
Panelists Divina FRAU-MEIGS
Professor, Sorbonne Nouvelle University & UNESCO Chair “Savoir Devenir in digital development : mastering information cultures”
Founder & Director, Planeta Océano
Antonia WULFF
Coordinator, Education International
Professor, Addis Ababa University
Moderator HAN Kyung-Koo
Professor, Seoul National University



Day 2 (Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 14:50-18:20, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Roles of GCED in Times of Crisis and Beyond

Introduction to the Day 2
Session 2 – Education for Anti-Discrimination and Social Justice+ See more
Special Talk 1 : Transforming a crisis into an educational opportunity : Critical reflection on discrimination and inequality in our own society (Korean Case)
Speakers KIM Ji Hye
Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University
BAE Sung Ho
Teacher, Songjoong Elementary School
Moderator KIM Ee-gyeong
Professor, Chung-Ang University
Special Talk 2 : No story left behind – Storytelling and Social Justice
Speakers Dylan WRAY
Executive Director, Shikaya
Senior Associate, Facing History and Ourselves
Discussion / Q&A
Session Moderator Kevin KESTER
Assistant Professor of Comparative International Education and Peace / Development Studies, Department of Education, Seoul National University
Session 3 – Transformative Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development+ See more
Panelists Akpezi OGBUIGWE
Founder, Anpez Centre for Environment and Development, Nigeria
ESD Youth Leader, Trinidad and Tobago
Ambassadors of Citizen Expression
Moderator BYUN Won Jung
Session 4 – GCED for / through Media & Information Literacy (MIL)+ See more
Special Lecture – Title : Digital Citizenship Education for Global Citizens
Speaker Kelly MENDOZA
Director of Professional Development, Common Sense Education
Presentation – Becoming Actors of Our Relation to Information
Speaker Fabrice TEICHER
MIL / PVE Expert
Session Moderator YU Hyunjae
Professor, School of Communication, Sogang University



Day 3 (Thursday, 5 November 2020, 14:50-17:00, (Seoul time, GMT+9))

Fostering Solidarity for Peace, Justice and Sustainability

Introduction to the Day 3
Special Session – Virtual Expo : GCED in Action+ See more
Closing – Roundtable : “Next Normal” We Make+ See more
Panelists Vibeke JENSEN
Director, Division for Peace and Sustainable Development, Education Sector, UNESCO HQs
H.E. Tamara Rastovac SIAMASHVILI
Ambassador, Permanent Delegation of Republic of Serbia to UNESCO / Group of Friends for Solidarity and Inclusion with GCED
Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya
Carlos Alberto TORRES
Distinguished Professor of Education, UNESCO UCLA Chair on Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education
Core Team, GCED Youth Network
Senior Project Officer, Department of Education and Training, Victoria
Moderator LIM Hyun Mook
Director, APCEIU
Applications will be closed at:
October 30, 2020
please read the FAQs while completing your application.
October 30, 2020
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